Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space 2

Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space 2

Many people have dreams of setting foot on the stars, but not everyone asks the question of what astronauts will do in space.

1. All activities are maintained according to the time of an artificial day

Every 24 hours, astronauts on the ISS witness 15 dawns.

2. It takes very rigorous training to walk in space

Astronauts often call spacewalks – or EVAs, for extravehicular activities – some of the most exciting and memorable parts of their space travel.

Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space

Once on board a spacecraft, the steps to walking are not simple. EVAs are planned in meticulous detail, sometimes months in advance, and they will have to take a 100-page test to total

3. Use sticky tape and scissors as eating utensils

Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space

Food for astronauts in space is always a big difficulty.

4. Clothes are only worn once and worn continuously for many days

Simple tasks like brushing your teeth take a lot of time in zero gravity.

Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space

Because personal hygiene is so difficult, showers for bathing on the space station have been replaced with specialized wet towels.

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